Betty Award Logo


Presented by Wrestle Like A Girl
Recognizing The Faithful Supporters Of Women’s Wrestling

THE BETTY AWARD - Celebrating the Champions of Champions 

It is with great love and respect that Wrestle Like A Girl ("WLAG") introduces 'The Betty Award' to honor the late Betty Moffatt, who zealously supported causes, organizations, and individuals throughout her lifetime. This annual distinction will be awarded to a devoted steward of women’s wrestling, a paladin of the Wrestle Like A Girl movement. 

The Betty Award honors individuals who have significantly enhanced the women’s wrestling landscape through philanthropy or volunteerism.  

Nomination and Recipient Determination


The Betty Award recognizes an outstanding individual who has significantly impacted the life of an individual wrestler or the wrestling community and,  

1) Who demonstrates exceptional financial generosity or volunteer leadership to women’s wrestling and, 

2) Whose support directly impacts a female wrestler, team, or organization empowering them toward greatness, and  

3) Whose generosity inspires others to action, exemplifying the spirit of philanthropy and volunteerism at its best. 

 Elements of a Strong Nomination: 

  • The primary focus should be the nominee’s impact on youth, high school, college, or elite-level female wrestling. 

  • Describe how this person has made a difference in women’s wrestling. Cite tangible and quantifiable examples of the nominee’s impact on the community. Discuss evidence of dedication, innovation, creativity, and vision; include how the nominee inspires and motivates others to act charitably. 

  • Add details and include hard data of direct support, including the financial contributions, volunteer activities, number of people impacted, outcomes, etc. Generate excitement and enthusiasm for your nominee. Share an inspirational story or anecdotal information; be descriptive. 

  • Focus on ongoing activities and overall efforts. 

Award Presentation

The Betty Award will be presented annually at the WLAG Gala. 

Please review and consider the award criteria to determine whether the person you wish to nominate would be an appropriate recipient of The Betty Award. 

Previous Winner:

2021 – Jodi Zueger | 2022 - Kyra Tirana Barry
2023 - Brenda Phillips Niemand and Grateful Recognition of Arno Neimand

2023 Winner - Brenda Phillips Niemand

Tell Us About Your Nominee for the Betty Award